154 results for Child Spiritual Development


A Many Colored Kingdom: Multicultural Dynamics for Spiritual Formation
This book examines how America's increased diversity impacts spiritual formation, addressing...
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations
This user-friendly resource encourages congregational leaders to use the Spiritual Discovery...
Leadership and Listening: Spiritual Foundations for Church Governance
This concise book presents a research-based analysis of the relationship between the processes...
Bully Pulpit: Confronting The Problem Of Spiritual Abuse In The Church
Through the lens of a biblical scholar and seminary president, this book defines spiritual...
Where the Cross Meets the Street: What Happens to the Neighborhood When God is at the Center
This resource offers inspiration and wisdom for leaders who minister in under-resourced...
The Myth of the 200 Barrier: How to Lead Through Transitional Growth
This book is written for clergy and lay leaders of congregations struggling to break through...
Michelle Singletary
This national speaker teaches congregations about economic development, wealth building, and...
GenOn Ministries
This organization provides a wide range of services and curricula to foster faith...
web resource
Sustainable Community Development: From What's Wrong to What's Strong
This 18-minute TedTalk frames community engagement positively with compelling stories and...
web resource
Community Tool Box
This free web resource is a public service of the University of Kansas and its KU Work Group...
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