53 results for Conversations


Bridges: 15 Sessions to Connect Teenagers and Adults on Drugs and Alcohol, Decision-Making,...
This resource contains various sessions and activity options to help facilitate conversations...
web resource
Theology Crawl
This online guide can be used to facilitate difficult conversations about faith and life.
This website provides tools and strategies to train and send evangelists to fulfill the Great...
Our Day to End Poverty: 24 Ways You Can Make a Difference
Written by a long-time justice advocate, this family-friendly guide connects everyday tasks to...
The Little Book of Cool Tools for Hot Topics: Group Tools to Facilitate Meetings When Things Are Hot
This concise book will be helpful for people looking to spark conversations about difficult...
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training: Dismantling Racism, Building Racial Justice in...
This organization facilitates conversations and trainings for congregations to address race...
These Are Our Bodies: Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home
This curriculum equips congregations and families for faith-based conversations on human...
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