57 results for Data


Engaging Young Adults
This data-packed report contains a summary of factors essential for improving young adult...
web resource
ChurchSalary: A Service of Church Law and Tax
This searchable database for congregations with paid staff contains information on salary...
Pandemic Presents Challenge to Church Giving
This article outlines how churches around the world are responding to the financial challenges...
10 Ways Hispanics are Redefining American Catholicism in the 21st Century
Learn about the changing demographics of the American Catholic Church and how it might impact...
web resource
Meet the Nones: We Don't Need Your Labels
This web resource provides a series of thoughtful articles on different facets of life among...
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
This article explores the iGeneration, statistics on the use of smart phones, and how it...
The Paradox of Generosity: Giving We Receive, Grasping We Lose
The authors of this book provide arguments and data proving that increasing generosity can...
web resource
Vital Synagogues
This blog post reflects on synagogue vitality and the importance of strengthening engagement...
National Center for Children in Poverty
This organization promotes family-oriented solutions to childhood poverty at the state and...
The Other 80 Percent: Turning Your Church's Spectators into Active Participants
This resource draws upon research and survey results to suggest ways for congregations to...
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