1546 results for Judaism And Relationships


A Heart of Wisdom: Making the Jewish Journey from Midlife through the Elder Years
This collection of essays offers Jewish perspectives on aging, ranging from intergenerational...
web resource
SAMHSA Information for Faith-Based and Community Leaders: Publications and Digital Products
SAMHSA is a wealth of information and practical tools related to Substance Abuse and Mental...
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This membership organization drives policy and social change for mental health and...
web resource
This website, provided by Prayerscapes, a group of Christian musicians, dramatic readers, and...
web resource
Ethnic Specific and Multicultural Ministries
This website provided by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), offers...
web resource
Faith Communities Today: Increasing Young Adult Participation in Churches and Other Faith...
Faith Communities Today is a web resource that examines congregations across an interfaith...
web resource
Spirituality and Practice
This web resource, Spirituality and Practice, was created to celebrate and support the axis of...
Why Stand-up Matters: How Comedians Manipulate and Influence
This book looks at the social and political impact of stand-up comedy in both its positive...
Child by Child: Supporting Children with Learning Differences and Their Families
This how-to guide offers tips and tools for integrating special needs children and youth into...
God and Race (study guide plus streaming video)
The study guide and short videos are a non-threatening way to dialog about race and faith....
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