81 results for Part Time


The Church Co
The Church Co. builds websites and apps for congregations. They specialize in websites that...
Praying in the Time of COVID-19: How the World's Largest Mosques Adapted
This article demonstrates how prayer and community life can take new forms during pandemic...
Atomic Habits: An Easy Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
This book provides a framework to make small changes that add up to big impact over time.
This software offers live streaming and recording from a computer browser, allowing for...
Guidance in Giving: Catholics Helping Catholics
This organization is a Catholic fundraising firm. They partner with Catholic Dioceses,...
Finding Our Way Home Retreat for Religious Professionals of Color
Finding Our Way Home is an annual retreat hosted by the UUA for Unitarian Universalist (UU)...
It's Movement Time Again: a sermon by Rev. William Barber II
This masterful lesson preaches the history of racism, public policy, and religion in America,...
Zion Prayer Retreat
This organization provides a place to spend time in solitude and in prayer, to allow for...
Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity
The book is a complete commentary on the time-tested role of the pastor as a preacher,...
article Updated
It's Time to Reimagine the Church Parking Lot
This article urges congregations to reimagine the use of parking lots. G. Travis Norvell,...
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