75 results for Social Justice


The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community
This resource identifies the church as a solution to cultural individualism, arguing that...
Insights Into: The Compassionate Congregation
This article provides concrete suggestions for congregations seeking to become more involved...
Eight Urban Ministry Strategies
This article argues for a holistic approach and strategic planning to create effective urban...
Engaging Immigration
This downloadable resource is designed to help leaders think strategically and biblically...
Charity Detox: What Charity Would Look Like if We Cared About Results
This resource advocates for charitable approaches that create systemic change, describing...
Politics And The Church
This short e-book outlines IRS standards for congregations to be politically active and...
web resource
This web resource promotes areyvut, a term that means "mutual responsibility", as a...
web resource
Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish
On this site, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides a wide variety of...
web resource
Reconciliation Ministry
The Reconciliation Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is an acknowledgment...
PovertyCure: From Aid to Enterprise
This network of organizations promotes solutions for poverty that empower poor communities and...
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