53 results for Two


Strategic Planning
This two-page guide examines what to consider when beginning the strategic planning process,...
What We Love About the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?
Written by two long-serving white pastors of Black Churches, this resource is both instructive...
Sanctifying Art: Inviting Conversation Between Artists, Theologians, and the Church
Written by an artist and seminary professor, this resource bridges the divide between the two...
Sustainable Children's Ministry: From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions
This resource provides congregations with the tips and tools to build a children's ministry...
Avoiding All-Out Church War
This pack of eight articles educates readers about conflict and how to mitigate it in a...
How to Lead Calmly in a Global Outbreak
In this article, experienced pastors George Mason and Mark Wingfield provide a pep-talk for...
Bivocational Pastors
This brief video from PBS looks at the challenges and opportunities that arise when the pastor...
Correcting Poor Communication
Written by two consultants on human sexuality issues and abuse prevention in congregations,...
Feasting on the Word Worship Companion
Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, this six-volume set of liturgical resources contains...
Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
Written by two Harvard professors, this book addresses humanity's tendency to resist change...
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