58 results for Young Adult


Engaging Young Adults: A Resource from the Center for Congregations
Published by the Center for Congregations, this four-page article shares insights from Indiana...
The New Copernicans: Millennials and the Survival of the Church
Written by a cultural analyst and theologian, this resource explores the lives of the...
Catalyst Leader
This organization provides workshops and online resources focused on leadership building for...
15 Ways to Engage a Young Man's Faith
This article draws from a study and key findings to detail 15 ways congregations can reach...
Sticky Faith Youth Worker Edition: Practical Ideas to Nurture Long-Term Faith in Teenagers
Based on research from Fuller Youth Institute, this series focuses on teens in the...
Faith Communities Today (FACT)
This multifaith research coalition shares data and statistics about vital congregational...
web resource
Theology Crawl
This online guide can be used to facilitate difficult conversations about faith and life.
Wild Goose Festival
This event is part outdoor music festival, part retreat, and part justice conference. It...
This organization equips churches to create disciples through small groups at homes, moving...
Cause for Change: The Why and How of Nonprofit Millennial Engagement
This research-based guide dives into how to strategically engage Millennials as constituents,...
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