123 results for Children''S Pastor


web resource
LifeWay Christian Resources: Kids Ministry 101
This web resource, provided by the congregational resource center of the Southern Baptist...
Safe Sanctuaries: Reducing the Risk of Abuse in the Church for Children and Youth
This resource tackles the difficult topic of abuse and religious communities --- how to...
Faith Inkubators
This organization provides curricula and tools that help congregations equip parents to be...
5 Core Principles of Peer Support
This short video provides a brief overview to set up and run peer groups for children and...
This go-to family ministry resource offers blogs, curricula, events, and podcasts to...
web resource
The Inclusive Church: Helping Churches Successfully Include Children with Special Needs
This blog is for congregational leaders desiring resources for special needs inclusion,...
The Mission-Minded Guide to Church and School Partnerships
This resource helps congregations strategically plan for and establish a relationship with a...
Bridges: 15 Sessions to Connect Teenagers and Adults on Drugs and Alcohol, Decision-Making,...
This resource contains various sessions and activity options to help facilitate conversations...
D6 Family: Connecting Church and Home
This organization provides resources for parents to jump-start ministry at home for their...
Our Heaven Baby
This children’ s book with beautiful illustrations can help kids grieve and dream about...
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