174 results for Beloved Community


A Christian Conversation Guide
This guide for open and affirming congregations suggests how to build a safe and inclusive...
Fundraising Guide
This guide aids congregational leaders with fundraising planning, such as deciding whether to...
Where the Cross Meets the Street: What Happens to the Neighborhood When God is at the Center
This resource offers inspiration and wisdom for leaders who minister in under-resourced...
web resource
Who is my Neighbor?
This series of articles shares the story of Westbury UMC's refugee resettlement ministry as a...
Building the Church's Readiness for a Transformational Ministry Journey
This research-based article is a roadmap to transformative community ministry with seven...
Beyond the Possible: 50 Years of Creating Radical Change in a Community Called Glide
Told by its two founders, this book recalls stories from Glide Memorial, a United Methodist...
web resource
Secure Community Network
This website provides news updates and education to safeguard Jewish communities and families....
web resource
Appreciative Inquiry Commons
This online hub for all things AI explains the positive change framework, offers a wide range...
Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture
This book explains how media influences personal theology, providing tips to talk faith...
How We Gather
This 22-page report helps readers understand how younger generations meet in community.
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