123 results for Covid 19


web resource
Five Wishes
This website offers practical kits and guides to help congregations document their medical...
Bringing Our Pain to God: biblical lament in worship
This article describes biblical lament in real congregations and explores how Christians can...
web resource
Visitations and Funerals
This go-to site for loss and grief during COVID provides re-imagined rituals, practical...
Guide for Christian Funerals During COVID-19
Prompted by COVID-19 health concerns, this ecumenical funeral guide shares logistical...
web resource
Spiritual & Communal Responses to COVID-19
This Facebook group is a forum where multi-faith clergy can share COVID-19 practices and...
"How are you Doing?" Assessing Your Congregation and Community During COVID-19
This article offers tools to connect and care for your community during the COVID-19 crisis....
web resource
Concerning COVID-19
This website provides guidelines for compassionate congregations during a crisis, instructions...
web resource
COVID-19: Racial Equity and Social Justice Resources
This list of racial equity resources sheds light on disparities and provides tailored COVID-19...
web resource
ReOpening Church: Leading After COVID-19
This go-to staffing resource supports leaders on numerous topics to strategize and live into a...
Ministering During COVID-19: Creative Ideas for Small Rural Congregations
This article lists doable, creative ideas from small rural congregations for how to do...
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