235 results for Questions


Why Am I? (YMI) Faith and Mental Health
This website called YMI (which stands for Why Am I?) is a platform for Christian young...
Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places and Things in the Digital Age
This book by Jay Kim argues that physical spaces are still relevant and important for...
Center For Faith, Sexuality & Gender
This organization is a collaboration of Christian pastors, leaders, and theologians who...
Practical Models of Church Governance
This one-page article describes five different types of church governance.
Turnaround and Beyond: A Hopeful Future for the Small Membership Church
This book equips congregations with tools to move from maintenance to mission, examining the...
Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church
This resource seeks to inspire and coach the individual congregation leader who wants to...
Letters to the Church: Encouragement and Engagement for the 2020 Election
During the confusion of the Trump Era, this book provides biblical reflection and...
Taking Flight with Creativity: Worship Design Teams That Work
This resource tackles the ins and outs of vibrant worship, and provides suggestions on how to...
Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life: 7 Gateways to Spiritual Growth
Written by senior adult experts, this resource points to seven paths to a flourishing old age...
Practicing Discernment Together: Finding God's Way Forward in Decision Making
This resource offers solid instruction on effective principles of discernment in addition to...
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