660 results for Leadership


The Mission Table: Renewing Congregation and Community
This resource intertwines personal story and biblical insight with tools for leadership...
Lott Carey
This organization offers leadership development and educational resources focused on learning...
Against the Current: The Unexpected Challenges of Multi-Ethnic Ministry
This article contains an interview with the senior pastor of River City Community Church in...
The Challenges of Pastoring a Smaller Membership Church
This article identifies ten challenges that small church pastors might face while offering...
The Urban Christian: Effective Ministry in Today's Urban World
This practical guide provides tools useful for urban ministry, challenging leaders to...
The Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting: A Guide for Starting Any Kind of Church
This comprehensive book is perfect for people interested in starting a church. More...
Church Transfusion: Changing Your Church Organically From the Inside Out
This resource centers on the role of leadership and how church leaders motivated by vital...
Completing the Circle: Reviewing Ministries in the Congregation
This book outlines an easy-to-follow process churches can use to more effectively evaluate...
Hartford Institute for Religion Research
This organization provides scholarly research and resources about a variety of topics related...
When Better Isn't Enough: Evaluation Tools for the 21st Century Church
This book offers a 3-step process for effective congregational leadership evaluations,...
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