587 results for Specialized Ministries


web resource
Five Wishes
This website offers practical kits and guides to help congregations document their medical...
This short documentary highlights end-of-life care and challenging decisions families...
The Dex Davis Bible Study Curriculum
This animated children’s series teaches Biblical values for kids in urban settings.
God and Race (study guide plus streaming video)
The study guide and short videos are a non-threatening way to dialog about race and...
web resource
RightNow Media
This digital discipleship hub offers small group curriculum and materials.
Bottled Up Inside: African American Teens and Depression
This book helps youth workers navigate mental health issues among African American teens.
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
This article explores the iGeneration, statistics on the use of smart phones, and how it...
person person
Adrian Warren
Pastor Adrian Warren provides marketing and audio visual services to help congregations reach...
Kingdom Solution
This small multimedia consulting firm helps congregations with marketing, media, and ministry...
Houses of Worship Grapple with Future of Online Services
This article looks at congregational decision about continuing online services.
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