72 results for Pastors


Transformational Groups: Creating a New Scorecard for Groups
This resource presents key principles and practices for dynamic small groups while providing a...
Preaching God's Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary Featuring 22 New Holy Days for Justice
This three-volume set examines the Revised Common Lectionary through the lens of "God's...
web resource
Mental Health & The Church
Celebrate Recovery, developed by John Baker, Saddleback Minister of Celebrate Recovery, is now...
What Manner of Woman
This 15-minute documentary celebrates black women, explains Womanist Theology, and highlights...
Avoiding Splits – Fighting Fair in Church: Guidelines for an Effective Church...
This article addresses the problem of church conflict and the lack of training for pastors to...
The Ten Commandments of iPad Preaching
Written by a pastor, this article offers suggestions for pastors considering using computer...
Protestant Latino Worship Practices Resource Guide
This web page has nine interviews with Protestant North American Latino worship leaders,...
Like Stepping Into A Canoe: Nimbleness and the Transition into Ministry
This book provides guidance and healthy practices to navigate ministry transitions. Written...
Candler in Conversation: What do I say to my white congregation?
In this video panel white pastors discuss how to preach and lead white congregations in a time...
Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch
This resource is a good starting point for those thinking about starting a new church --- read...
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