69 results for Racism


Be the Bridge
Addressing systemic racism within the church, this book facilitates restorative reconciliation...
Do It For The Gram: An Enneagram Podcast
This Enneagram podcast explores the wisdom of nine personality types and helps us apply it to...
Beyond the Possible: 50 Years of Creating Radical Change in a Community Called Glide
Told by its two founders, this book recalls stories from Glide Memorial, a United Methodist...
Begin Again: James Baldwin's America
This book explores James Baldwin's life and writings while offering tangible applications for...
Jesus and the Disinherited
As we struggle today with poverty, racism, and spiritual disengagement, this book is a...
Witnessing Whiteness: The Need to Talk About Race and How to Do It
Written by an educator, this book reveals racist tendencies in how we speak, and details the...
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
This documentary follows a lawyer's journey to condemn the U.S. criminal justice system for...
White Too Long
This book outlines the history of American Christianity and how it contributes to racial...
It's Movement Time Again: a sermon by Rev. William Barber II
This masterful lesson preaches the history of racism, public policy, and religion in America,...
The Post-Black & Post-White Church: Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World
This book examines how to combine the theories behind multi-ethnic and missional church...
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