68 results for Anti Racism


web resource
COVID-19: Racial Equity and Social Justice Resources
This list of racial equity resources sheds light on disparities and provides tailored COVID-19...
Jubilee Singers: Sacrifice and Glory
This PBS documentary explores how former slaves contributed to American culture while...
Be the Bridge
Addressing systemic racism within the church, this book facilitates restorative reconciliation...
web resource
Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
This organization sheds light on America's legacy of slavery, racial violence, and mass...
An African American and Latinx History of the United States
This book tells America's history through the African American and Latinx lenses, exposing...
This organization encourages interfaith dialogue among congregations to better understand...
web resource
White Homework
This website provides resources for anyone starting to learn about systemic racism and...
Candler in Conversation: What do I say to my white congregation?
In this video panel white pastors discuss how to preach and lead white congregations in a time...
Latinx Parenting
This bilingual organization supports parents to raise children with cultural healing,...
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center
This “ museum without walls” presents innovative, community-centered experiences...
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