87 results for Management


Nonprofit Security Grant Program
This grant provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security...
Guide For Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
This guide helps congregations create an emergency operations plan for the threats and...
book Updated
Open Arms, Safe Communities: The Theology of Church Security
This book tackles questions of church safety and security, while wrestling with...
The 21 Day Financial Fast
This text is often used for financial literacy courses in local congregations.
web resource
Relocation Manual for Pastors and Church Leaders
This digital manual provides rich insight and practical considerations to discern about...
MinistryTech Magazine
Formerly Christian Computing Magazine, this free, monthly e-zine is for church staff and...
Church Finance Today
This e-newsletter covers timely finance topics such as record keeping, business expenses,...
American Community Gardening Association
This organization provides online resources and in-person services for food and gardening,...
Partners for Sacred Places
This organization believes that sacred places hold tremendous value as the heart of our...
Taking Your Church to the Next Level: What Got You Here Won't Get You There
This guide equips congregations to move confidently through age and growth cycles, addressing...
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