102 results for Mission


Effective Staffing for Vital Churches
This resource simplifies church staffing into the "Four Core Processes": evangelism,...
Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations
This resource explores opportunities for ministry in the Asian North American Christian...
Christ in Youth (CIY)
This organization is focused on the discipleship and development of young people. The...
Grant Readiness Series: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating DEI Policies for Churches
This article supports congregational leaders as they develop DEI policies that might...
organization Updated
Sacred Structures (by Jim Baker)
Sacred Structures serves churches that emphasize values-driven cultures, embrace change,...
World Relief
This organization employs principles of transformational development to empower local churches...
TMJ Consultants
This consulting firm works with non-profits (including churches), helping them to build...
Follow One International
This organization has been helping churches and Christian families shine God’ s light...
COVID-19 Congregational Study
The findings of this national survey provide insight into how the pandemic has effected...
Smart Church Management: A Quality Approach to Church Administration
This concise book provides tips and tools on a variety of administrative topics ---...
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