154 results for Pastoral Care


web resource
African American Infertility and the Church's Response
This article looks at how to address child loss in Black families through healing conversation...
Hold Onto Hope: Stories of Black Women's Fertility, Faith, and Fight to Become Mothers
This book is full of stories of women dealing with infertility, especially women of color. The...
Worship in Times of Crisis and Trauma
This panel discussion provides insight to manage disasters and traumas in the congregation and...
web resource
The Conversation Project
This resource page helps congregations facilitate end-of-life planning and conversations.
web resource
Empathy and Anti Racism
This interview shares life experiences of a Sikh man and how to find shared humanity,...
You Are Not Alone: The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health with Advice from Experts and Wisdom...
This book is a resource for individuals and families seeking evidence based support...
NAMI FaithNet Bridges of Hope Presentation
FaithNet is a PowerPoint presentation for congregational use that defines mental illness...
A Counselor's Guide To Christian Mindfulness: Engaging The Mind, Body, And Soul In Biblical...
This book explores practical strategies of using Christian, biblically based mindfulness...
Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD,...
This book presents a simple, flexible model for mental health inclusion ministry for...
This organization provides leadership and content for peer support groups for those dealing...
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