183 results for Health


The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This membership organization drives policy and social change for mental health and...
web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...
This organization provides resources and support for congregations starting a new health...
Bottled Up Inside: African American Teens and Depression
This book helps youth workers navigate mental health issues among African American teens. ...
Better Help
This mental health provider network offers online counseling for individuals, couples, and...
Fifteen Steps Out of Darkness: The Way of the Cross for People on the Journey of Mental Illness
This collection of 15 stories from a community health organization in Maryland describes...
Wrestling with Our Inner Angels: Faith, Mental Illness, and the Journey to Wholeness
This book explores the link between spirituality and mental health recovery.
Places of Promise: Finding Strength in Your Congregation's Location
Drawing upon data and observations, this resource navigates the relationship between location...
web resource
Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project Resources and Solutions
This web page lists 40 practical inclusion resources with tips, examples and templates to...
Resilient Church Leaders: Clinical Thoughts
This article helps leaders reflect upon personal mental health and professional limits to care...
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