123 results for Covid 19


web resource
Trauma and Healing Institute Resources
These downloadable resources support congregational mental health, especially in response to...
10 Tips: Financial Navigation for Synagogue Leaders During a Crisis
This article provides tips for congregational crisis management including finances,...
web resource
SDPC Resources for Coronavirus
Curated for Black clergy and lay leaders, this list of resources addresses justice and all...
web resource
Coronavirus Resources for the Church
The Wheaton College Human Disaster Institute offers a streamlined resource page for...
Waving the Banner for Youth Ministry
This podcast episode features youth worker Mark Oestreicher discussing COVID-19 and...
Resource List for Online Church
Written during COVID-19, this succinct guide quickly empowers congregations to transition to...
web resource
EmPOWERED to Serve
This online platform by the American Heart Association reduces health disparities and supports...
Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
This center offers worship resources such as grants, events, online tools for worship...
Commentary: The Digital Stairway to Heaven, Black Churches and the Pandemic
This article can help congregational leaders understand research on the impact of COVID-19...
How to Care for the Elderly Without Putting them at Risk of Coronavirus
In this article, the chief medical officer at AARP offers advice for common COVID-19 questions...
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