454 results for Resources


Faith On The Journey
This company, in partnership with the Trauma Healing Institute, offers healing groups for...
web resource
Preparation and Response: A Toolkit for USCJ Synagogues on Confronting Antisemitism
This toolkit provides relevant, specific steps and resources to deal with threats and...
National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management
This organization offers resources, guides, and a week-long conference focusing on...
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL)
This organization promotes environmental stewardship through learning, action, and advocacy.
Joel Comiskey Group
This organization provides in-depth resources for cell group ministry and how to plant new...
Stephen Ministries
This organization provides resources and training for congregations to establish a ministry of...
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
This organization mobilizes Jewish resources to promote social justice within the United...
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: Strong, Healthy Congregations Living in the Grace of God
Written in two parts, this book summarizes the five characteristics of healthy congregations...
International Network of Children's Ministry
This organization provides resources for and fosters connections among children's ministry...
Lewis Center for Church Leadership
This leadership center offers year-round workshops, a fellowship program, and online resources...
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