176 results for Tools


Leading Life-Changing Small Groups
This workbook looks at both theory and practical issues to equip small group leaders with the...
Teaching Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Learning and Teaching
This resource combines anecdotes, information, and explanations to equip teachers with the...
Playbook for Christian Manhood: 12 Key Plays for Black Teen Boys
Using the game of football as a conceptual framework, this resource guides young male...
God's Graffiti: Inspiring Stories for Teens
This resource turns to scripture for examples of people who encountered and overcame difficult...
ENERGY STAR® Action Workbook for Congregations
This government publication provides congregational facility managers with useful information...
Where All Can Safely Live: A Guide to Understanding Bullying in our Communities, How to Talk...
This four-session curriculum is designed for teenagers and adults, equipping participants with...
Should Our Church Remodel or Relocate?
This article asks 16 questions to help congregations think clearly about their options when it...
Families at the Center of Faith Formation
This resource combines research-based findings with practical tools to examine what makes for...
Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict
This resource offers insight on how to identify a bully or antagonist and guidance to address...
Cancer – Now What? Taking Action, Finding Hope, and Navigating the Journey Ahead
Written in 12 sections, this pastoral guide for cancer patients and their caretakers offers a...
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