97 results for Ideas


10 Things I Wish Every Christian Leader Knew About Gay Teens in Their Church
From a traditional marriage perspective, this article has concrete suggestions to relate with...
Doing the Math of Mission: Fruits, Faithfulness and Metrics
This resource provides readers with the tools to accurately evaluate the effectiveness of...
Giving a Life Meaning: How to Lead Funerals, Memorial Services, and Celebrations of Life
This book provides practical tools for anyone leading a funeral service for the first time.
Caring for Wellbeing of Older Adults during COVID-19
This list provides ideas for coordinating care and connection for senior adults during...
web resource
"What If…" Series: Faith Formation Strategies for a post-Pandemic World
These articles offer creative and practical faith formation ideas for an increasingly...
Web-Empowered Ministry: Connecting With People through Websites, Social Media, and More
This comprehensive guide frames the internet as a powerful took to share, teach, and...
Capital Campaigns: Strategies That Work
This book provides the nuts-and-bolts of creating a capital campaign, covering everything from...
Administration In the Small Membership Church
This book identifies administration and leadership as crucial components for the small church,...
web resource
Turnaround Churches
This website has a secondary title of "Ideas for Revitalizing Struggling Churches" and focuses...
web resource
This web resource promotes areyvut, a term that means "mutual responsibility", as a...
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