112 results for American Grace


Resources for Asian-American Congregations
Curator Aaron Spiegel
6 resources
The (New) Landscape of American Religion
Curator Josh Packard
4 resources
Black and African American Mental Health Resources
Curator the CRG Team
28 resources


American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us
This resource makes several observations on religion in America based on research, making the...
Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful
This resource critiques the Roman Catholic church with love and grace, diagnosing its current...
Momfulness: Mothering with Mindfulness, Compassion and Grace
Through story and reflection, this resource invites moms to cherish their child-raising years...
Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power
This thoughtful book reframes power as something that can be used as a tool for grace and...
Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness
This resource balances medical information and scriptural insights to help congregations...
Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times: Being Calm and Courageous No Matter What
This book equips leaders with the tools to see congregational conflict through a new...
web resource
You Call That Church Music?
Annie Strickland is the music and arts director of Grace Episcopal Church in Bainbridge,...
Finishing With Grace: A Guide to Selling, Merging, or Closing Your Church
This practical guide will help clergy and lay leaders through the oftentimes stressful process...
Mental Health Grace Alliance
This organization provides support groups, access to affordable recovery care, resources for...
Twelve Keys to an Effective Church: Strong, Healthy Congregations Living in the Grace of God
Written in two parts, this book summarizes the five characteristics of healthy congregations...
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