7 results for Anxiety Disorders


web resource
Close to Home Pastoral Care Pamphlets
These 12-page pamphlets about "close to home" issues help individuals acknowledge hard...
Mental Health and the Church: A Ministry Handbook for Including Children and Adults with ADHD,...
This book presents a simple, flexible model for mental health inclusion ministry for...
Leadership: An Art of Possibility
This DVD series contends there's a new way of leadership that invites people out of the...
person person
Dr. Jessica Young Brown
Dr. Jessica Young Brown is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who consults with churches on a...
Bipolar Faith: A Black Woman's Journey with Depression & Faith
Based off the author's experience living with depression and bipolar disorder, her story...
Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center
This organization is Indiana's first community mental health center and provides...
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
This organization provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of...
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