123 results for Black Families


Youth Ministry in the Black Church
Curator Kate White
5 resources
Mental Health in Black and Brown Congregations
Curator Tim Shapiro
2 resources
Black and African American Mental Health Resources
Curator the CRG Team
28 resources


Multidimensional Ministry for Today's Black Family
This collection of essays explores a range of topics that impact the well-being of individuals...
The Black Church in the African American Experience
This book offers a history of the Black Church, highlighting intricacies and demonstrating why...
web resource
Association of Black Psychologists Directory of Black Psychologists
This webpage offers a directory to search for black wellness professionals and subject...
"Is the Black Church Dead?" A Roundtable on the Future of Black Churches
This 2-hour panelist discussion examines the evolution of the Black Church, its positive...
What We Love About the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?
Written by two long-serving white pastors of Black Churches, this resource is both instructive...
Black Youth Want to Improve Mental Health in Indy
This article describes how Faith in Indiana's Black Youth Collective is helping black...
You Are Not Alone: The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health with Advice from Experts and Wisdom...
This book is a resource for individuals and families seeking evidence based support...
Inside Out Families: Living the Faith Together
Based on interviews of numerous families, this book provides ideas for engaging family...
4 Low-Cost Summer Program Ideas for Families
This article details creative activity ideas for children, teens, young adults, families, and...
The Church and Families of Children with Special Needs
This panel discussion considers what role parishioners, lay leaders, and clergy can play to...
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