130 results for Black Lives Matter


Youth Ministry in the Black Church
Curator Kate White
5 resources
Understanding the Religious and Spiritual Lives of Young People in America
Curator Michael Rotolo
5 resources
Race to Justice
Curator Michael Twyman
6 resources
Mental Health in Black and Brown Congregations
Curator Tim Shapiro
2 resources
Black and African American Mental Health Resources
Curator the CRG Team
28 resources
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web resource
Association of Black Psychologists Directory of Black Psychologists
This webpage offers a directory to search for black wellness professionals and subject...
In Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church
Composed of eight essays, this resource uses biblical texts, African traditions, and...
Indiana Rural Health Association: Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives
The Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives program was established by the Indiana Department of...
The Black Church in the African American Experience
This book offers a history of the Black Church, highlighting intricacies and demonstrating why...
Black Youth Want to Improve Mental Health in Indy
This article describes how Faith in Indiana's Black Youth Collective is helping black...
What We Love About the Black Church: Can We Get a Witness?
Written by two long-serving white pastors of Black Churches, this resource is both instructive...
"Is the Black Church Dead?" A Roundtable on the Future of Black Churches
This 2-hour panelist discussion examines the evolution of the Black Church, its positive...
Resources for a Church that Wants to Fight for Black Lives
This guide helps congregations educate themselves about systemic racism and move toward racial...
A Network Of Black Farmers And Black Churches Delivers Fresh Food From Soil To Sanctuary
This article shares how Black churches improve food accessibility and community health by...
web resource
Black and African American Communities and Mental Health
This website provides an overview of mental health issues in Black and African American...
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