13 results for Changes To Sanctuary


Congregational Changes over the Years
Curator Tim Shapiro
6 resources
Storytelling that Changes the World
Curator Propaganda
4 resources


Sanctuary: A Discernment Guide for Congregations
This guide explains the immigration Sanctuary Movement and how congregations can support...
A Network Of Black Farmers And Black Churches Delivers Fresh Food From Soil To Sanctuary
This article shares how Black churches improve food accessibility and community health by...
Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries
This organization equips the Church to support mental health and well-being. They provide...
Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening
This resource looks at the contemporary state of religion in America, noting changes and...
Vertical Church: What Every Heart Longs For. What Every Church Can Be.
This resource encourages churches to "make the change that changes everything," focusing on...
Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change
Written by an organizational consultant, this book contains examples and strategies for...
Racial Diversity in a Changing Harlem Congregation
This video by PBS details the changes and growth of First Corinthian Church in Harlem, New...
Change and Conflict in Your Congregation (Even If You Hate Both)
This book frames conflict as a tool to move congregations forward if used positively. In this...
Social Movements for Good: How Companies and Causes Create Viral Change
Based on research of millennials and their patterns of giving, this resource helps readers...
Atomic Habits: An Easy Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
This book provides a framework to make small changes that add up to big impact over time.
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