104 results for Christian Ethics


Christian Practices of Reconciliation
Curator Michael Gulker
5 resources
Christian Nationalism
Curator Michael Rotolo
6 resources
Getting Schooled on Interim Ministry
Curator Janae Pitts-Murdock
4 resources
The Marriage of Mental Health and Ministry
Curator Dr. Christina Jones Davis
3 resources
Never-ending Worship: Where Preparation and Inspiration Meet
Curator John Ray
3 resources
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Improvisation: The Drama of Christian Ethics
This resource takes a historical and contemporary approach to ethics that will help the...
web resource
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly's website summarizes and adds to the television broadcast, which...
web resource
Jewish Education - Teaching Emotional Intelligence
This website, by the Founder and President of Orthodox Jewish social justice organization Uri...
web resource
On Being
This website is associated with On Being, the weekly radio podcast, hosted by Yale Divinity...
A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 2: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
This book demonstrates how to live the Jewish mandate to love one's neighbor, studying Jewish...
7 Ways to Implement a Mental Health Ministry Plan in Your Church
This article from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist...
Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?: Christian Identity in a...
This resource serves as an entry into interfaith conversation, using interfaith reflection as...
Will Our Children Have Faith?
This resource provides an insightful and useful critique of Christian education, arguing that...
Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the U.S.
This book uses research to systemically examine Christian nationalism and its influence on...
¡Alabadle! Hispanic Christian Worship
Composed of several essays, this resource looks at Christian worship in Hispanic congregations...
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