56 results for Christianity Today


Essential Tools for Ministry
Curator Matt Burke
5 resources


web resource
Worship and Prayer in African American Christianity
This vibrant blog post by Dr. Brad Braxton serves as both an appreciation for and a teaching...
Faith Forward: A Dialogue on Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity
This resource draws from a 2012 conference on Children, Youth and a New Kind of Christianity,...
Bio-Ethical Questions about COVID Vaccines
This Christianity Today article provides data, historical context, and Christian perspectives...
Managing Church Facility Use
Published as a part of the Church Tax and Law Ministy of Christianity Today, this helpful...
web resource
Church Tech Today: Technology for Today's Church
This website views technology as a vehicle for congregations to communicate and also shares...
web resource
Faith Communities Today: Increasing Young Adult Participation in Churches and Other Faith...
Faith Communities Today is a web resource that examines congregations across an interfaith...
Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians
This book outlines six postures that will spark a shift from consumer Christianity to a...
This organization provides online resources, group discussions, and courses that focus on the...
To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World
This book examines the complex relationship between culture, identity, belonging, and the role...
The Deconstructed Church: Understanding Emerging Christianity
This resource offers rich descriptions of the various forms of congregations emerging, ranging...
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