6 results for Civil Discourse


Revitalizing African-American Congregations for the Post-Civil Rights Generation
This article argues that the decline of the African American church arises from the...
Witnessing and Testifying: Black Women, Religion, and Civil Rights
This book explores the unsung roles of women in the Civil Rights movement.
web resource
Clergy Sexual Misconduct: Awareness and Prevention
Baylor University’ s website offers individuals and congregations several resources...
Not Safe For Church: Ten Commandments For Reaching New Generations
Using the Old and New Testament, this book provides readers with ten practices or...
The Witness of the Church and a Critical Presidential Election
In this panel discussion, faith leaders discuss human flourishing in America and the...
An African American and Latinx History of the United States
This book tells America's history through the African American and Latinx lenses, exposing...
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