11 results for Communal Unity


Agents of Unity: Center the People
Curator Tavis Lane Grant
3 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources


web resource
Reconciliation Ministry
The Reconciliation Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is an acknowledgment...
Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness, and Justice
This book explains racial reconciliation and practical steps for predominantly white...
God and Race: A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles
This book models how to start necessary conversations about race, encourage unity, and foster...
This peace center equips leaders in Korean and Asian-American churches to act toward unity,...
So You Think You Don't Know One? Addiction and Recovery in Clergy and Congregations
This resource tackles the systemic, spiritual, and communal problems of addictive and...
The Clearness Committee: A Communal Approach to Discernment in Retreats
This article describes the Quaker practice "clearness committee" and instructs the reader in...
The Circle Way for Communities of Faith
The Circle Way provides a process to foster open conversations and communal decision-making. ...
web resource
Spiritual & Communal Responses to COVID-19
This Facebook group is a forum where multi-faith clergy can share COVID-19 practices and...
ReFocus Ministry
This organization helps faith communities foster intergenerational discipleship, providing...
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