81 results for Economic Wealth Building


Church Building Maintenance
Curator Nancy DeMott
1 resources
Caring Congregations
Curator Doug Hanner
3 resources
Appreciative Team Building
Curator Abby Miller
6 resources
Church Building Programs
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources
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Building Wealth in the Black Community
This video shares financial habits for African American economic empowerment, including...
Michelle Singletary
This national speaker teaches congregations about economic development, wealth building, and...
Racial disparities in wealth across America
This video addresses economic disparities among African Americans and key themes to contribute...
Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship
Part of a series, this resource offers an evangelical theological framework for understanding...
web resource
Is Evangelism Going out of Style?
This web resource, provided by The Bama Group, a research company, offers sociological...
The Power of Asset Mapping: How Your Congregation Can Act on Its Gifts
Divided into three sections, this book will help congregations discover their assets ---...
Building for Ministry: The Book That Will Save Your Church 1,000's of Dollars
This resource provides an overview of the building process, and covers the importance of...
web resource
Scientists in Congregations
This website, emerging from a grant program of the John Templeton Foundation, provides a...
This Baltimore organization supports Black Wealth by mobilizing the community, congregrations,...
web resource
Vibrant Faith Catalyst
This interactive hub connects faith formation leaders with like-minded peers and a wealth of...
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