8 results for Energy Efficiency


Chasing Sacred Air: A Common Sense Guide to Energy Efficiency in Sacred Buildings
This resource helps congregations take the first steps towards becoming more energy efficient...
ENERGY STARĀ® Action Workbook for Congregations
This government publication provides congregational facility managers with useful information...
Do-It-Yourself Energy Audit for Congregations
In this article, Kansas Interfaith Power and Light offers a five-step process to help...
Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry
Designed to help pastors and staff members become efficient leaders and administrators, this...
The Wisdom of Group Decisions: 100 Principles and Practical Tips for Collaboration
This slim guide offers principles and accompanying tips that can easily be applied to any form...
Church Facility Maintenance
This article offers best practices for maintaining a church facility with the goals of safety...
The Paradox of Generosity: Giving We Receive, Grasping We Lose
The authors of this book provide arguments and data proving that increasing generosity can...
The Quick and Simple Congregational Asset-Mapping Experience
This article introduces asset mapping as a strategy that can have an immediate and powerful...
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