100 results for Family Process


Congregational Communication Resources
Curator Matt Burke
6 resources
Strategic Planning for Congregations
Curator Tim Shapiro
3 resources
Christian Practices of Reconciliation
Curator Michael Gulker
5 resources
Appreciative Leadership
Curator Shellie Riggs Jordan
7 resources
The Marriage of Mental Health and Ministry
Curator Dr. Christina Jones Davis
3 resources
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Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue
This resource explores aspects of Bowen Family Theory using stories from the author's family...
Holding Your Family Together: 5 Simple Steps to Help Bring Your Family Closer to God and Each Other
This resource outlines a five-step method any family can use to create "a home where every...
Family Life Centers and Congregations
This article offers insight and guidance to congregations contemplating building a Family Life...
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place
This book takes readers beyond the what, where, and when of technology to outline a better...
Dreaming of More for the Next Generation: Lifetime Faith Ignited by Family Ministry
Scripturally-based, this book equips congregations to attend to the family as the center of...
person person
Porras, Sixto
This resource person is a speaker, author, and National Director in the Focus on the Family...
Calling Clergy: A Spiritual and Practical Guide Through the Search Process
This book provides spiritual and practical processes to search for a new clergy, offering...
Overview of the Strategic Planning Process
This five-minute video introduces the entire strategic planning process through drawn...
Starting New Initiatives: A Discernment Process
This downloadable workbook outlines a process of prayer, discernment, conversation, and...
Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work: Expanded and Updated
This book describes the range of mergers for strong, stable, stuck, and struggling...
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