156 results for Family Spiritual Formation


Leading Spiritual Growth
Curator Kate White
5 resources
Christian Practices of Reconciliation
Curator Michael Gulker
5 resources
Understanding the Religious and Spiritual Lives of Young People in America
Curator Michael Rotolo
5 resources
The Marriage of Mental Health and Ministry
Curator Dr. Christina Jones Davis
3 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources
Innovation: the Discipline of Newness
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
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The Academy for Spiritual Formation
This organization hosts a 5-day and 2-year training program focused on spiritual formation,...
Cultivating Sent Communities: Missional Spiritual Formation
Composed by a variety of contributors, this book examines spiritual formation from the...
Apprentice Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation
This organization offers resources such as a conference, blog posts, and a curriculum focused...
A Many Colored Kingdom: Multicultural Dynamics for Spiritual Formation
This book examines how America's increased diversity impacts spiritual formation, addressing...
Lifelong Faith Journal
The Life Long Faith Journal is an online free magazine available in PDF format that covers a...
Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith Formation
This resource presents diverse ways to look at the future of faith formation, highlighting...
Dreaming of More for the Next Generation: Lifetime Faith Ignited by Family Ministry
Scripturally-based, this book equips congregations to attend to the family as the center of...
Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue
This resource explores aspects of Bowen Family Theory using stories from the author's family...
Holding Your Family Together: 5 Simple Steps to Help Bring Your Family Closer to God and Each Other
This resource outlines a five-step method any family can use to create "a home where every...
The Transforming Center
This organization offers retreats for Christian leaders focused on spiritual formation themes...
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