61 results for Food Justice


Race to Justice
Curator Michael Twyman
6 resources
Shades of Hope
Curator Clarence Moore and Jeff Krajewski
8 resources


Food & Faith: Justice, Joy and Daily Bread
This resource reflects on the sanctity of eating, alongside the moral, spiritual, and...
Where Justice Dwells: A Hands-On Guide To Doing Social Justice Work In Your Jewish Community
This workbooks offers four steps for synagogues who want to make social justice work a...
To Serve This Present Age: Social Justice Ministries in the Black Church
This practical guide for the Black Church provides a model for social justice ministries. The...
Becoming A Justice Seeking Congregation: Responding to God's Justice Initiative
This book approaches social justice work with a balance of idealism and realism.
These thought leaders advocate for faith-based social justice. They create thought-provoking...
Preaching God's Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary Featuring 22 New Holy Days for Justice
This three-volume set examines the Revised Common Lectionary through the lens of "God's...
True Justice: Bryan Stevenson's Fight for Equality
This documentary follows a lawyer's journey to condemn the U.S. criminal justice system for...
Jewish Social Justice Roundtable
This coalition of organizations offers campaigns and learning opportunities for congregations...
web resource
Social Justice & the Union for Reform Judaism
This web resource provided by The Union for Reformed Judaism has compiled a variety of...
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice
This organization mobilizes Jewish resources to promote social justice within the United...
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