81 results for Generational Change


Appreciative Leadership
Curator Shellie Riggs Jordan
7 resources
Survival Tactics for Teams
Curator Tracy Buller and Ritch Hochstetler
4 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources


Generational IQ: Christianity Isn't Dying, Millennials Aren't the Problem, and the Future Is Bright
This book looks at generational realities through a faith lens, exploring the ways...
8 Disruptive Church Trends that Will Rule 2021
Thought leader Cary Nieuwhof describes how congregational life will change with technology and...
Choosing Change: How to Motivate Churches to Face the Future
This book will help congregational leaders move their churches towards change through...
Leading Missional Change: Move Your Congregation from Resistant to Re-Energized
This book provides insight on why congregations don't want to change, how to utilize trust to...
Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future
This book offers insight into change, and empowers leaders to guide their congregations...
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
Princeton sociologist Matthew Desmond shares how eight families in Milwaukee struggle to keep...
Korean American Churches: From Generation to Generation
This article examines generational differences in the Korean American Church to provide...
Preaching To A Multi-Generational Assembly
This resource offers an in-depth exploration of the challenge of preaching to multiple age...
The New Copernicans: Millennials and the Survival of the Church
Written by a cultural analyst and theologian, this resource explores the lives of the...
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies
This book enlightens readers about generational trauma, its impact on the body, and how to...
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