87 results for Group Discernment


Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources


The Way of Discernment, Leaders Guide (Companions in Christ)
This leader's guide goes hand-in-hand with "Way of Discernment, Participant Guide." It equips...
Practicing Discernment Together: Finding God's Way Forward in Decision Making
This resource offers solid instruction on effective principles of discernment in addition to...
The Way of Discernment, Participant's Guide (Companions in Christ)
This study guide engages small groups in a 10-week consideration of discernment, helping...
Starting New Initiatives: A Discernment Process
This downloadable workbook outlines a process of prayer, discernment, conversation, and...
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations
This user-friendly resource encourages congregational leaders to use the Spiritual Discovery...
The UU Small Group Ministry Network
This organization provides information and resources for small group ministry such as an...
How to Lead When You Don't Know Where You're Going: Leading in a Liminal Season
This book coaches congregations through transition with leadership strategies and group...
web resource
Small Group Ministries
Based on the "Purpose Driven Life” philosophy of Saddleback Church, Small Group...
Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry: A Strategic Guide for Leading Group Life in Your...
The first book of a series, this resource provides a how-to guide on building and leading...
Making Small Groups Work: What Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know
Drawing upon the authors' experiences as psychologists, this resource looks at what makes...
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