28 results for Human Flourishing


Human-Centered Design: Exchanging Pews for Strollers
Curator Victoria Sun Esparza
2 resources
Church Staff Resources
Curator Kelly Minas
8 resources


Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
The Society for Human Resource Management website archives articles, studies, and sample forms...
Necessary Endings
This book guides readers to determine what activities and beliefs are worth keeping or...
The Witness of the Church and a Critical Presidential Election
In this panel discussion, faith leaders discuss human flourishing in America and the...
Face to Face: The Art of Human Connection
This book offers stories and key strategies for conversation skills and meaningful human...
web resource
National Human Trafficking Hotline Resources
This website for the National Human Trafficking Hotline provides concerned congregations with...
Positive Change for Congregations
This article summarizes the experience of the Indianapolis Center for Congregations in...
Creating a Congregational Culture of Validation
This article reveals how validation fosters flourishing congregations and lists three ways...
web resource
The Art of the Flourishing Congregation
This web resource uses positive change as an approach and high engagement process to focus on...
Pilgrimage into the Last Third of Life: 7 Gateways to Spiritual Growth
Written by senior adult experts, this resource points to seven paths to a flourishing old age...
book Updated
Flourishing in Ministry: How to Cultivate Clergy Well-Being
This book can help congregations understand the challenges that clergy face. Author Matt...
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