27 results for Individual Discernment


The Practice of Prayer
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources


Practicing Discernment Together: Finding God's Way Forward in Decision Making
This resource offers solid instruction on effective principles of discernment in addition to...
The Way of Discernment, Leaders Guide (Companions in Christ)
This leader's guide goes hand-in-hand with "Way of Discernment, Participant Guide." It equips...
Starting New Initiatives: A Discernment Process
This downloadable workbook outlines a process of prayer, discernment, conversation, and...
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations
This user-friendly resource encourages congregational leaders to use the Spiritual Discovery...
The Way of Discernment, Participant's Guide (Companions in Christ)
This study guide engages small groups in a 10-week consideration of discernment, helping...
Generosity Rising: Lead a Stewardship Revolution in Your Church
This resource seeks to inspire and coach the individual congregation leader who wants to...
Right Here, Right Now: Everyday Mission for Everyday People
This series invites readers to seize the possibilities of embracing a comprehensive missional...
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable
This bestseller offers a leadership model that can be applied to a ministry setting, one that...
web resource
Communities of Calling Website
The Collegeville Institute at St. John’ s School of Theology offers resources and...
Engage Conflict Well: A Guide to Prepare Yourself and Engage Others in Conflict Transformation
This 12-page booklet is divided into two sections --- first addressing the individual's...
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