47 results for Jewish Parenting


Living a Jewish Life: Jewish Traditions, Customs and Values for Today's Families
This resource provides a primer on Jewish life and customs, describing and explaining...
To Be A Jew: A Guide To Jewish Observance In Contemporary Life
Divided into four parts, this resource provides a comprehensive guide related to contemporary...
Special Needs Parenting: From Coping to Thriving
Written by a United Methodist minister and the mother of an adult son with special needs, this...
The Jewish Lights Spirituality Handbook: A Guide to Understanding, Exploring & Living a Spiritual...
This resource compiles wisdom from 50 Jewish spiritual leaders meant to explore the layers and...
A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 2: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
This book demonstrates how to live the Jewish mandate to love one's neighbor, studying Jewish...
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Money
This book provides a variety of Jewish voices and opinions on the topic of money --- how it...
web resource
This web resource promotes areyvut, a term that means "mutual responsibility", as a...
Revolution of Jewish Spirit: How to Revive Ruakh in Your Spiritual Life, Transform your Synagogue...
This book details the story of a Jewish renewal in Massachusetts, and describes successful...
web resource
My Jewish Learning
My Jewish Learning is a one-stop resource for individuals and families looking for information...
web resource
Kveller: A Jewish Twist on Parenting
Kveller.com is a website for "information and inspiration that is right for your...
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