7 results for John Fenner


Never-ending Worship: Where Preparation and Inspiration Meet
Curator John Ray
3 resources


web resource
Scientists in Congregations
This website, emerging from a grant program of the John Templeton Foundation, provides a...
web resource
Mental Health & The Church
Celebrate Recovery, developed by John Baker, Saddleback Minister of Celebrate Recovery, is now...
LifelongFaith Associates
Led by John Roberto, this organization helps congregations develop sustainable faith formation...
web resource
Communities of Calling Website
The Collegeville Institute at St. John’ s School of Theology offers resources and...
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently
In this book, leadership expert John Maxwell shares how to go beyond communication to form...
Why the Word 'Millennial' Makes Me Cringe
Author John Green discusses the downside of labeling millennials, especially if you're trying...
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