109 results for New Adapters


Church Planting Resources
Curator Tim Shapiro
4 resources
The (New) Landscape of American Religion
Curator Josh Packard
4 resources
Innovation: the Discipline of Newness
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Healing Hearts and Souls
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources


The New Adapters: Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation
This book focuses on a model of church-revitalization that keeps "good news to the poor"...
New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations
This resource notes the historic role of the African American church and challenges...
Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch
This resource is a good starting point for those thinking about starting a new church --- read...
North American Mission Board: Church Replanting
This organization helps dying congregations foster new life through utilizing the assets of a...
Ten Most Common Mistakes Made by New Church Starts
This resource is for individuals interested in starting a new church and shows how to overcome...
web resource
New Churches: Multiply the Mission
New Churches, brought to you by veteran church start pastor and educator Ed Stetzer and Daniel...
Entering Wonderland: A Toolkit for Pastors New to a Church
This resource is written for pastors in a new congregation, helping them assess trust level,...
Faith Forward: A Dialogue on Children, Youth, and a New Kind of Christianity
This resource draws from a 2012 conference on Children, Youth and a New Kind of Christianity,...
Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening
This resource looks at the contemporary state of religion in America, noting changes and...
The ‘Pay What You Want' Experiment at Synagogues
This New York Times article profiles various congregations that are trying new ways of...
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