19 results for Race Relations


Race to Justice
Curator Michael Twyman
6 resources
Is Race The Real Problem?
Curator Rev. Wallace Butts
3 resources


Christians and the Color Line: Race and Religion After Divided by Faith
This collection of essays from various scholars explores race relations and the role religion...
God and Race (study guide plus streaming video)
The study guide and short videos are a non-threatening way to dialog about race and faith....
web resource
The Sound of the Genuine: Traversing 2020 with Howard Thurman
In this podcast episode, Rev. Otis Moss III connects Howard Thurman's theology and mysticism...
But I Don't See You as Asian: Curating Conversations about Race
Written by a third generation Chinese-Filipino and experienced leader of multi-cultural...
How to Have Helpful Conversations About Race in the Church: An Anti-Racism Resource
This 11-page guide offers a process and tools to engage in important conversations regarding...
God and Race: A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles
This book models how to start necessary conversations about race, encourage unity, and foster...
Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Facilitating Difficult Dialogues
This book explains group dynamics and how to effectively facilitate race conversations.
Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative To Colorblindness And Antiracism
This book, by a sociologist professor at Baylor, works to promote collaborative...
Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety
This article from the Council on American-Islamic Relations offers practical steps to protect...
person person
Dr. Jessica Young Brown
Dr. Jessica Young Brown is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who consults with churches on a...
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