53 results for Racial Identity


A Primer on Racial Equity
Curator McKenzie Scott Lewis
6 resources
Shades of Hope
Curator Clarence Moore and Jeff Krajewski
8 resources
The Value of the Enneagram in Congregational Spaces
Curator Leanette Pokuwaah
4 resources
Who Are You? Marketing and Branding for Congregations
Curator the CRG Team
6 resources
Is Race The Real Problem?
Curator Rev. Wallace Butts
3 resources
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Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative To Colorblindness And Antiracism
This book, by a sociologist professor at Baylor, works to promote collaborative...
Mixed Blessing: Embracing the Fullness of Your Multiethnic Identity
This book uses scripture and history to teach about ethnic identity, calling, and diverse...
Asian American Christian Collaborative
This ecumenical organization highlights various Asian American experiences and provides...
The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches
Drawing from the author's experience leading a multi-racial church, this book looks at the...
web resource
Christians and Racial Justice: A Discussion Guide
This four-part guide educates about the original sin of America - racism - and invites...
Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice
This article lists 10 clear ways to actively support racial justice. It also links to further...
web resource
Racial Reconciliation and Systemic Racism
This resource hub educates congregations about racial justice from a faith perspective.
web resource
COVID-19: Racial Equity and Social Justice Resources
This list of racial equity resources sheds light on disparities and provides tailored COVID-19...
The Racial Equity Torch
The Racial Equity Torch magazine contains stories of multicultural ministries in ethnically...
Know the Best Time to Relocate Your Church
This article urges congregations to examine their identity and mission before moving...
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