6 results for Renovation


Who Moved my Tabernacle? The Ruckus Over Renovation
This article details the stories of several Roman Catholic congregations during the renovation...
Guidelines for the Building and Renovation of Churches
Written by The Diocesan Commission on Church Art and Architecture for the Archdiocese of...
Church Buildings: A Strategic Guide to Design, Renovation, and Construction
How can church leaders make wise decisions when planning, designing, and constructing their...
God's House is Our House: Re-imagining the Environment for Worship
Targeted towards Roman Catholics, this book summarizes a twelve-step process that can be...
Building a New Church: A Process Manual for Pastors and Lay Leaders
This resource covers a range of broad to specific topics relating to the building or...
Renovation or New Construction: From Dreams to Planning to Committees
This 12-page guide breaks down the planning and building process into manageable steps.
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