11 results for Sample Position Descriptions


Before You Hire a Youth Pastor: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Right Fit
This book offers how-to information to hire a youth pastor, ranging from sample job...
Pastor, Staff, and Committee Job Description Book
Written by the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board, this free download provides sample job...
Curriculum Overview for Children's Formation
This chart contains a comprehensive list of currently available children's faith formation...
Helping Kids Include Kids with Disabilities
This practical book contains information and tools to assist congregations in their quest for...
The Deconstructed Church: Understanding Emerging Christianity
This resource offers rich descriptions of the various forms of congregations emerging, ranging...
Veritas Professional Development
This organization works with businesses, nonprofits, and churches on leadership development...
National Alliance on Mental Illness Faith Support Groups
This organization features descriptions of eight spirituality/faith-related support groups...
The Pastoral Search Journey: A Guide to Finding Your Next Pastor
Supplemented by sample surveys, forms, and interview questions, this resource will equip...
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
The Society for Human Resource Management website archives articles, studies, and sample forms...
Level Best: How Small and Grassroots Nonprofits Can Tackle Evaluation and Talk Results
This resource makes it easy for congregations to measure the effectiveness of particular...
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